Stimulating Player Immersion With Sound

Adam Reed
1 min readApr 15, 2021


When designing any sort of game, sound design is very important. Sound is one of the main outputs from the game to the player in addition to visuals. Music, sound effects, ambiance, etc are all core components of a truly immersive experience.

In this article, I will be going over the basics of sound implementation in Unity by adding background music to my game!

It’s actually quite simple to do.

All you have to do is create an empty game object in Unity, and attach the component “Audio Source” to it. Then drag and drop your audio file into the ”Audio Clip” section within the component. Lastly, check the Start On Awake” and “Loop” boxes so that the music continues to play.

That’s it. If you followed these steps accurately, you should be able to hear the music playing in the background when you are in your game!



Adam Reed

Hi, my name is Adam Reed and I am a software engineer specializing in Unity and C# development. Feel free to scroll through and check out some of my work!